Payment Details Policy

Information regarding our payment details policies.

1. Card Details Policy

HighStakes endeavour to protect the privacy and integrity of any date you have agreed to provide us.

2. Credit Card Storage data information

HighStakes commit to storing confidential information provided to us by our agreed users in the most secure manner possible.

3. How long your credit card details are stored

You can remove your details at any given point by contacting us. Without doing so we will keep them for a maximum of 8 years.

4. How your credit card details are stored

Your card details can be found within your HighStakes cashier and be used to facilitate payment transactions.

5. Change of terms

Upon the users agreement/request only will HighStakes change or update your details.

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El uso de una VPN u otra(s) herramienta(s) para evadir este bloqueo infringe nuestros términos y condiciones y puede dar lugar a la incautación de sus fondos, además de la cancelación de su cuenta