Here you will find our brand guidelines and assets related to the HighStakes brand.
Our Logo
Below you can find different versions of our logo, in PNG and Vector format.
Our Logo Reveals
Below you can find different versions of our logo reveals.
Our Colours
Below your will find the HighStakes Colour palette.
Our Fonts Info
We use Roboto Condensed for headings, Roboto for body text and Karla in buttons, navigation and forms.
Tournaments Headings
Below you can find links to our tournaments heading graphics
Our Highstakes Girls
Below you can find some of the Highstakes Girls
WSOP Winners
Our WSOP Winners
Our Telegram Stickers
Below you can find links to our telegram sticker collections
Our Full Brand Guidelines
Click on the link below to download our full brand guidelines PDF.
Download PDFNažalost HighStakes je
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